About this course
By completing this MOOC, you will take your first step towards becoming a successful Kiron student. It will cover the special challenges of online learning, motivational issues, learning techniques and useful tips on how to get support from your online community or to manage your time resources.Regardless of whether you already have experience with online learning, this MOOC is highly recommended as your first course on Kiron Campus
What you’ll learn
- How to explain the key characteristics of online learning and the differences to traditional offline classes
- How to develop an individual system of motives and personal terms of success for your learning experience
- How to create your own mental and physical spaces for successfully studying online
- How to use your online community to support your own learning process and to support others
- How to apply time management and GTD techniques to create an effective personal learning schedule
- How to explain and apply central concepts and tools of learning, like chunking or interleaving

Your instructor team
Head of Student Communication
and Student Recruitment at KironNatalie
Online Student
at MINERVADanilo
Online Student
Online Student