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Demo of Community Question Answering Tool AskALot


Try Askalot for edX!

Demo teacher account: / password123

Demo student account: / password123

Discover new edX discussion tool Askalot

Would you like to try a new community question answering system Askalot that can be used as a standalone solution at your university or even integrated into your edX courses? It will let students ask course-related questions as well as answer and vote on each other's questions. While it is inspired by well-known and popular question answering systems on the open Web (e.g. Yahoo! Answers or Stack Overflow), its design explicitly takes educational and MOOC specifics into consideration.

In comparison with standard discussions, Askalot provides better organization of content, community features (e.g. user profiles, reputation, following other users) and workspace awareness (e.g. notifications, activity feed). In addition, it can help students to get more organized feedback (from other students as well as from staff members).

It's open-source!

Askalot @edX is developed by team AskEd at Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. If you are interested in employing Askalot at your course, please, do not hesitate to contact us at
