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Discussion Sections

The weekly discussion schedule is as follows:

Tuesday 3-4 pm 155 Kroeber Richard
Tuesday 4-5 pm 155 Kroeber Richard
Tuesday 4-5 pm 151 Barrows Dylan
Tuesday 5-6 pm 105 Dwinelle Ajeya
Wednesday 11-12 pm 220 Wheeler Young
Wednesday 11-12 pm 2038 Valley LSB Nathan
Wednesday 11-12 pm 2011 Valley LSB Rohan
Wednesday 12-1 pm 254 Sutardja Dai Rohan
Wednesday 12-1 pm 100 Wheeler Young
Wednesday 12-1 pm 4 Evans Dylan
Wednesday 2-3 pm 179 Stanley Yubei
Wednesday 3-4 pm 179 Stanley Yubei
Wednesday 3-4 pm 106 Wheeler Ajeya
Wednesday 3-4 pm 254 Sutardja Dai Davis
Wednesday 5-6 pm 234 Dwinelle Marvin

Additionally, here is the schedule for the supplementary probability sections. The TAs will alternate, with the first one covering odd weeks and the second covering even weeks.

Wednesday 9-10 am 299 Cory Nathan / Ajeya
Wednesday 6-7 pm 531 Cory Davis / Marvin