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Microprocessor Programming & Interfacing

Enrollment is Closed

About This Course

This course is basic introduction to processor ISA, Assembly programming, Computer and Embedded Architecture. Intel 80x86 is used as a platform through the course.

Course Cotents: 8086 - 80486 Programmers model of processor, processor architecture; Instruction set, modular assembly programming using subroutines, macros etc.; Timing diagrams ; Concept of interrupts: hardware and software interrupts, Interrupt handling techniques, Interrupt controllers; Types of Memory and memory interfacing; Programmable Peripheral devices and I/O Interfacing ; DMA controller and its interfacing: Design of processor based system.


EEE/INSTR/CS F215 Digital Design

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to buy a textbook?

Yes.Get a new one at book store in your campus or you can get a second hand one from your seniors.

  1. Course Number

  2. Classes Start

  3. Classes End

  4. Estimated Effort
